ISSN: 2225-8329
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This study adopts a systematic literature review (SLR) approach to comprehensively examine the mechanisms through which rewards influence employees' job satisfaction. First, the study provides a detailed review of the evolving definitions of rewards, encompassing multiple dimensions such as intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, economic and non-economic rewards, as well as tangible and intangible forms. These definitions not only highlight the diversity of rewards but also underscore their unique role in employee motivation. The study emphasizes the critical role of rewards in fostering positive employee attitudes toward work, particularly in building organizational support, enhancing personal achievement, and shaping a favorable work environment.Second, this research analyzes the complex and multifaceted relationship between rewards and job satisfaction, revealing the moderating effects of cultural contexts, industry characteristics, and individual differences. The findings indicate that reward fairness, types, and implementation methods are key variables influencing job satisfaction. Furthermore, rewards not only enhance job satisfaction but also contribute to organizational effectiveness by promoting organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), strengthening employee loyalty, and improving job performance. This study provides a theoretical basis for optimizing reward mechanisms and practical management strategies.
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