ISSN: 2225-8329
Open access
This study aims to explore post-institutional release planning for youth involved in risky sexual behavior and drug abuse. While previous studies have focused on planning and intervention during rehabilitation within institutions and agencies, there remains a lack of research addressing post-release planning, specifically after the completion of rehabilitation in institutions, particularly among youth engaged in drug abuse and risky sexual behaviors. Post-release planning is a crucial component of maintaining recovery. This study employs a case study approach and follows qualitative methods. A total of 16 youths aged 19 to 37 years who underwent rehabilitation in five institutions focused on interventions for unwed pregnant youth, same-sex relationships (LGBTQ), and drug rehabilitation were purposefully selected to participate in the study. Data collection was conducted through face-to-face interviews, and the interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results indicate that four aspects of post-release planning were explored in this study: (i) obtaining permanent and stable jobs, (ii) educational planning, (iii) continuous recovery, and (iv) planning related to family and parenting roles. Further interviews revealed that many informants admitted they were not provided post-release planning by the institution. In conclusion, this study recommends that rehabilitation institutions addressing drug abuse and risky sexual behavior examine and organize programs that educate clients on how to plan activities that support recovery after their release from the institution.
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