ISSN: 2225-8329
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This study examines how leadership style affects the link between perceived organizational support (POS) and job satisfaction (JS) among Malaysian expatriates in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations. This study featured 150 Malaysian expatriate respondents working in the GCC and focused on analyzing charismatic, transactional, passive, and authoritarian leadership styles. The study findings indicate a strong and positive correlation between POS (Perceived Organizational Support) and JS (Job Satisfaction). The leadership style plays a crucial role as a moderator in this relationship. The statistical analysis reveals a p-value of 0.001 and a R² value of 0.839, indicating a high level of significance and explaining a substantial proportion of the variance. This discovery highlights the fact that a leadership style that is effective can enhance job satisfaction by means of robust organizational support. This study has ramifications for organizations in the GCC to enhance assistance for expatriates, while establishing a more favorable work climate.
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