As artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly shapes the landscape of big data analytics, it brings forth a myriad of ethical considerations that demand our attention. The integration of artificial intelligence into social work increases the concerns in regards to ethical consideration as it brings complex situations. Hence this article aims to explore the ethical consideration when applying artificial intelligence applications in big data analysis from the perspective of the students of the social work undergraduate program in National University of Malaysia. 22 of second year students were selected by purposive sampling to participate in a series of AI workshops to analyse big data analysis. Participants were asked about their ethical consideration via open-ended Google form. Data were then analyzed by thematic analysis. Analysis found three themes emerged namely: data privacy is a priority, transparency and accountability and avoiding algorithmic bias. The results showed that the students integrity and professional manners when adopting AI skills in their career. This awareness reflects their readiness to become effective social workers. By maintaining these values and practices as they transition into professional roles, they are well-positioned to excel in their field and the integrity of the profession.
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