ISSN: 2225-8329
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This systematic literature review explores the evolving landscape of reverse logistics, analysing 68 articles selected through a rigorous article selection protocol. The study identifies five key themes shaping the field: the Integration of Digital Technologies, Sustainability and Circular Economy, Omni-Channel Reverse Logistics, Sovietization and Product-as-a-Service, and Collaboration and Reverse Supply Chain Integration. The findings highlight the transformative role of digital technologies, such as IoT, blockchain, and AI, in enhancing reverse logistics efficiency and transparency. Sustainability and circular economy principles are increasingly driving reverse logistics strategies, emphasizing waste reduction and resource recovery. The rise of omni-channel retailing has necessitated the development of integrated reverse logistics systems to manage product returns across multiple channels effectively. Additionally, the shift towards servitization and Product-as-a-Service models underscores the importance of reverse logistics in supporting product lifecycle management. Finally, collaboration and integration within reverse supply chains are critical for achieving operational excellence and fostering innovation. This review provides a comprehensive understanding of current trends and offers insights for future research and practice in reverse logistics.
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