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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Impact of Financial Leverage on the Relationship between Eco-Innovation and Financial Performance: Conceptual Paper

Saddam Al Nohood, Marwan Mansour, Mukhled Olimat, Ali Al Sanasleh

Open access

Sustainability is an issue that concerns all stakeholders, including shareholders and the environment. While shareholders are interested in creating value for their investments, environmentalists are interested in creating value for current and future generations. Eco-innovation may be a compromise between these stakeholders. It may even encourage shareholders to adopt it because green growth may boost their economic growth. Companies entering the world of eco-technology may mean that they need new sources of financing. This means that leverage, as a major source of financing, may play a fundamental role in enhancing or inhibiting these businesses. Therefore, this study encourages more research into the link between eco-innovation and corporate financial performance. Further, it encourages more research into how financial leverage can improve or weaken this link.

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Al-Nohood, S., Mansour, M., Olimat, M., & Al-Sanasleh, A. (2025). Impact of Financial Leverage on the Relationship between Eco-Innovation and Financial Performance: Conceptual Paper. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 15(1), 175–188.