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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Nurses: Evidence from South Asian Perspective

Syed Mir Muhammad Shah, Ramsha Ali, Abdul Samad Dahri, Noor Ahmed Brohi, Zulfiqar Ahmed Maher, Waseem-Ul-Hameed .

Open access

The current study explores the impact of job clarity, compensation, supervisor support and employee empowerment on job satisfaction in the nursing staff. A cross section research was done with the help questionnaire, which was distributed among 247 nursing staff of the public hospital. The results suggested that there was a positive relationship among the compensation and employee empowerment on Job satisfaction, which is very important in the retaining of the human capital in public hospital nurses. Whereas, job clarity and supervisor support has an insignificant impact on job satisfaction.

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In-Text Citation: (Shah, Ali, Dahri, Brohi, Maher, & Hameed, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Shah, S. M. M., Ali, R., Dahri, A. S., Brohi, N. A., Maher, Z. A. & Hameed, W.U., (2018). Determinants of Job Satisfaction among Nurses: Evidence from South Asian Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(5), 20–27.