ISSN: 2225-8329
Open access
At present, the term globalization is an all-embracing one, which, starting from certain economic and social developments, from exploited, exploitable or prospective natural resources, all researchers agree that a globalization process is required in the future. Globalization is a global perspective, taking into account the proximity, sometimes the merging of interests and the perspective of the evolution of countries around the world. There are plenty of researchers who have been exploring the evolution on Terra and, on the basis of the data they have given, have come to conclusions that are not positive, hope-giving. In the meantime, to say, synthetically, the world's population has reached 7.2 billion inhabitants in 2017, and forecasting predicts that in 2050 this world population will reach about 10 billion people. A structural analysis across continents and countries leads to the conclusion that the demographic explosion has passed from the Asian continent specific decades ago in the African continent. All African countries, of course, in different percentages, have a very special female fertility which leads to high birth rates. On the other hand, Europe, the most technologically advanced, industrial, and research-intensive continent in all areas, has a fairly low birth rate of 1.48 on average. Asia has a fertility of 2.2 children born to a woman, and in the North American continent and South America, fertility is at a somewhat controllable level, not to say otherwise. Analyzing natural resources, at the same time as the level of technological and scientific-scientific development, we come to the conclusion that resources are consumable and that substitutes or the development of the same resources are a slightly more delicate problem. There is much talk about substitutes, but it does not replace the natural resources that all humanity needs. We are talking about chewing food resources or replacing traditional resources with others undergoing industrial processes. In antithesis, the evolution of the population with the resources on the globe, we come to the conclusion of a shortage of resources on the background of a rise in birth rates, a context in which the level of living is raised, as long as in Africa 63% of the population has a subsistence level under $ 1/day, and 90% of the African population under $2. They are thoughtful elements to prefigure the perspective of human evolution. Also, in order to reveal the discrepancy that exists between the states of the world in terms of the current level of development (to highlight the updated evolutionary trend, we used statistical series on time intervals, according to available data, 2012, 1961-2012, 1980-2012 or 1991-2012), we used a socio-economic analysis, taking into account the most representative indicators, such as: Gross Domestic Product per capita; Gross domestic product per employee (productivity of national labor); occupancy rate and unemployment rate.
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