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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Possibility of Applying Electronic Management at Cihan University

Rafi Abdul Ridha, Omar T. Abdulrahman

Open access

Techniques and communication are considered the most important modern science that affected explicitly many other branches of knowledge due to their wide prevalence and easiness to apply.
This research provides readings for the advantages that can be realized by applying electronic management techniques and their effect on the successfulness of Cihan university – Erbil in the Kurdistan Region through discussions and Check list and reading documents of Cihan university - Erbil, and also compare this university with the experiences of regional and international universities which have a long history in the field of electronic administration.
The researchers illustrate the great benefit and importance of the electronic management in many aspects of the administrative activity of the university, however these benefits might entail some of the negatives that can be bypassed when using information and communication technologies in an efficient and effective way, as well as when there is a good infrastructure for applying electronic management. The researchers review the most important determinants of applying electronic management and the elements of the transformation of traditional management to electronic management. To achieve the required advantages for Cihan University when applying electronic management, with a measurement of the usefulness of those advantages compared with the costs which should be afford by the university. The researchers use the academic style in the case study by distributing a check list form to a number of workers in the university and analyze mathematically, with a number of personal interviews with heads of departments, as well as the usage of descriptive approach by referencing to the accounting literature through books, research and reviewing experiences of countries in order to reach the most important advantages of applying electronic management.
The results of the study shows many important points, important of the electronic management is not a very complex science and it will become a perquisite requirement that must be applied to all the universities in Kurdistan Region due to its fertile , good infrastructure and the quality of the available surrounding environment and conditions.

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In-Text Citation: (Ridha & Abdulrahman, 2018)
To Cite this Article: Ridha, R. A., & Abdulrahman, O. T. (2018). The Possibility of Applying Electronic Management at Cihan University. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(5), 766–778.