The present study investigates the important role of buyer-supplier relationship and non-relationship factors to accept or reject the new product by retailers in agricultural organic products Shahrekord. In the present study, considering the research model, one main hypothesis (accept or reject the new product by retailers) and four sub-hypotheses (Relationship Intensity-Channel Motivation-Product Advantage-Market Competitiveness). This research is an applied one in terms of its purpose, and is a survey study with a correlation approach. The population includes 132 retailers of agricultural organic products Shahrekord. Due to the limited size of population, the entire population was considered as the sample and no sampling was done. Data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire containing 12 items, the validity of which was confirmed through advising- and consulting professors and the experts comments and its reliability by Cronbach’s alpha (?=75%). The items include personal data, as well as main, specialized questions items on the research hypotheses. 124 out of 132 questionnaires were returned (return rate = 93%). SPSS and AMOS software has been used For data analysis and hypotheses testing. The findings supported all research hypotheses. Thus, buyer-supplier relationship and non-relationship factors have a significant effect on accept or reject the new product by retailers.
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In-Text Citation: (Sadeghi & Hortamani, 2014)
To Cite this Article: Sadeghi, N., & Hortamani, A. (2014). Studying Effects of Buyer–Supplier Relationship and Non-Relationship Factors to Accept or Reject the New Product by Retailers of Agricultural Organic Products in Shahrekord. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences. 4(1), 338 – 343.
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