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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

What are the Effects of Subsidies Paid by the Government to Printed Media in Iran?

Maysam Musai, Mohsen Mehrara

Open access

In this paper we intend to respond to the questions of: “What impacts do the subsidies that the government is granting to the printed press directly and indirectly, have on their circulations or on the demand for the press?”; and if the intention behind endowment of these subsidies to the press is to support their publishing in proportion to their costs, has the proportion been taken into considerations, in practice? Furthermore, does the printed press need these subsidies? In order to answer the above questions, the amount of the subsidies paid to all the papers, and also, the combined revenues and expenditures for 9 daily papers with the widest circulations have been studied and the results show the subsidies being paid have neither economic justifications, by economic tools, nor are being paid in proportion to the average expenditures. Therefore, they wouldn’t have a significant impact on the demands to purchase the papers.