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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Sustaining Small Business Performance: Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Financial Access

Syamsuriana Sidek, Mohd Rosli Mohamad , Wan Mohd Nazdrol Wan Mohd Nasir

Open access

Significance of small business performance to country growth has been acknowledged since many years ago. But peculiarly, high failure rate recorded derived from this sector. This issue sparked a heated debated among scholars lead to the focus on study of determinant factors of business performance including entrepreneurial orientation and financial access. Judging from this fundamental gap, this research aims to examine the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and financial access on small business performance and mediating effects of financial access in between them. Resulting this, 280 small businesses in East Coast Malaysia were stratified selected to construct a structural model. This study concluded that entrepreneurial orientation was partially significant influence to small business performance, meanwhile; financial access was found partial mediating the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and small business performance. Instead of consolidating current literatures, this study also provides early caution not only to government and policy makers but also to other authorities such as private bodies, NGOs, including small entrepreneurs on the important of entrepreneurial orientation and financial access towards development of small business.

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In-Text Citation: (Sidek, Mohamad, & Nasir, 2019)
To Cite this Article: Sidek, S., Mohamad, M. R., & Nasir, W. M. N. W. M. (2019). Sustaining Small Business Performance: Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Financial Access. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(9), 66–80.