ISSN: 2225-8329
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This study aims to analyze the effect of Good Corporate Governance on Investment Decisions and Profitability and Its Impact on Corporate Value. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. The study was conducted on companies that are included in the LQ45 Index with the 2015-2017 study periods. The estimation of the research model used is multiple regression analysis. The purposes of this study are to find out whether Good Corporate Governance has an effect on Investment Decisions and Profitability and Its Impact on Corporate Values. This study involved 4 (three) variables consisting of 1 (one) dependent variable, 3 (two) independent variables (independent), and the dependent variable in this study is Corporate Value. The independent variables in this study are Good Corporate Governance, Investment Decision and Profitability. The results of this study indicate that Managerial Ownership has no effect on investment decisions, institutional ownership has an effect of -2,471 on investment decisions, Managerial Ownership does not affect profitability, institutional ownership does not affect profitability, Managerial Ownership has an effect of 57,587 on firm value, institutional ownership does not influence on firm value, Investment Decision has an effect of 0.215 on firm value, Profitability has an influence of 51,670 on Corporate Value Managerial ownership has an effect of 0,00037 on corporate value through intervening variable investment decisions, institutional ownership has an influence of -0,00713 on value company through variable intervening investment decisions, managerial ownership has an effect of 9.633 on firm value through variable intervening profitability, institutional ownership has an effect of 0.0339 on firm value through intervening profitability.
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To cite this article: Wahyudi, S.M., Chairunesia, W. (2019). The Effect of Good Corporate Governance on Investment Decisions and Profitability and Its Impact on Corporate Value, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences 9 (3): 140-149
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