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International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2225-8329

Rating Based on the Country Risk

Cristina Alina Naftanaila

Open access

Participation of a country to obtain the credit, of any kind, making imports and exports by a country or by its financial and trade companies, involves to be taken into account the risks that evolve from this involvement. Through this article I want to present the factors that generate the country risk, the main types of them, methods of analysis, their evaluation by the rating agencies, and, not finally, Romania's rating assessment, compared with some EU countries.

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Co?ea, M., Nastovici, L. (1999). “Evaluarea riscului de ?ara. Scenarii politico- economice de dezvoltare regionala europeana”, Gold Print Publishing House, Bra?ov, p. 130.
Dudian, M. (1999) “Evaluarea riscului de ?ara”, All Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, p. 16.
McAleer M., Da Veiga, B., Suhejla, H. (2010), “Value-at-Risk for Country Risk Ratings” pdf,

In-Text Citation: (Naftanaila, 2012)
To Cite this Article: Naftanaila, C. A. (2012). Rating Based on the Country Risk. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 2(2), 150–160.