Social issue on teenage girls increase aggressively. The government has taken stern steps to overcome this problem with the establishment of a government-run women’s rehabilitation center. The center is aimed at providing protection, guidance and skills training to them. One of the approaches using in the centre based on religion approaches. The Islamic approach to known as tazkiyah al-nafs is a method for purification of the human soul and building the internal strengths of the trainee to increase their inner strength. This approach have several stages that importance for internal purification and external formation in order to suppress desires and bad habits that lead to mental health and behavioral disorders. One of Islamic figure Sheikh Sa’id Hawwa have extended purification method of the soul which origanially from Imam al-Ghazali’s method purification of the soul. This article aims to analyze tahaqquq process which is part of of tazkiyah al-nafs approach introduced by Sheikh Sa’id Hawwa. This study is a qualitative study with content analysis design. The results show that the stage of tahaqquq is emphasize on doing good morals in daily life based on the Quran and al-sunnah. This process that can be implimented to in the women rehabilitation center. The trainee must go through the first method of maintaining perfection in basic worship. The tahaqquq process which is able to educate the human and to avoid from soul problems that it lead to social issues. This study explains the comprehensive model of tahaqquq in the method of purification of the soul from qualitative research. Therefore, applied studies on implementation of the process tahaqquh suggested to conduct at women rehabilitation center in Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Zainol et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Zainol, N. Z. N., Mustapaha, A. S., Mohammad, C. A., Mohamed, N. K., & Saad, M. F. M. (2021). The Propose on Tazkiyah Al-Nafs approach by Sheikh Said Hawwa for Women Rehabilitation Centre. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 427–438.
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