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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Participation Malay Women in Entrepreneur

Shahrul Hilmi Othman, Mohd Azam Yahya, Noor Jeffry Abdul Wahab, Illy Yanti, Ahmad Nurilakmal Norbit, Nurul Athirah Mohd Azmi

Open access

This article to explain womenpreneurship according to the Islamic Economics, involvement of women in the economy between Malaysia and Indonesia, and the opportunities for Malaysian Women in Entrepreneurship. The discussion of this paper uses a qualitative research methodology approach. The primary method of data collection through library research approach to obtain written documents, ancient Malay manuscripts. Data analysis using historical research approach to look at the source and history of Islamic thought. This study uses the method content analysis and historiography methodologies, data were obtained through documents, books and historical collections. The results of this article found that entrepreneurship is one of the fields that can revive the Muslim economy. This finding makes it clear that the role of women in business has long been practiced especially during the time of the Prophet Muhammad and continues in the Malay world by running businesses such as smart partnerships, money exchange. The findings of this study are has shown that Indonesia is ranked 68th overcoming Malaysia at 97th in Gender Gap Index that is to precede in terms of Legislators, senior officials and managers. When Malaysia is ranked well in the dimensions Labour force participation rate, Wage equality for similar work, Estimated earned income and Professional and technical workers. The types of businesses that women do in Malaysia are food and beverage, clothing and clothing, grocery stores, beauty, jewelry and flowers, sewing, bookstore. Womenpreneurs activities in Malaysia are taken seriously by the government with an entrepreneurial development approach through Motivation, Support and Capital.

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In-Text Citation: (Othman et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Othman, S. H., Yahya, M. A., Wahab, N. J. A., Yanti, I., Norbit, A. N., & Azmi, N. A. M. (2021). Participation Malay Women in Entrepreneur. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(8), 1489–1497.