ISSN: 2222-6990
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The Qur’an, as a sacred divine text, was guaranteed integrity from distortion in the composition of its letters, words, sentences, and verses, and this integrity is what is called in the religious terminology: (preservation).The Qur’an is preserved by divine preservation, and this preservation has a well-known basic form: preservation of the hearts, which is a metaphor for the preservation of Muslims of the Qur’an in their hearts by receiving it first from the Prophet PBUH, then from his companions, then to those who followed them. To this day, each of them performs it in the manner that he received from his predecessor, which is known as the receipt, but this receipt in the Prophet’s era specifically, needs scientific examination that proves its authenticity in the integrity of the Holy Qur’an from all forms of distortion through the ages that followed. Because it was the era in which the process of receipt began. It is done through exposure to what it is and its evidence, and how it was the cornerstone of the steadfastness of the verses of the Noble Qur’an in front of the currents of direct or indirect change throughout Islamic history. This is the problem that the researcher will try to address in this research through a methodology that relies on extrapolation and tracking of the multiple and accurate images of this reception in the Prophet’s era, highlighting its impact on preserving the Qur’anic process after that from any distortion. The researcher has reached several conclusions; One of the most important of them is: The receipt of the Qur’anic verses in the Prophet’s era ensured the integrity of the Qur’an text from all forms of self-distortion or deviation after that, and it was a major focus of confidence in the Qur’anic text in terms of reassurance of its integrity, through specific and precise criteria that made it a wall against all attempts to distort or challenge it, for this and others, the researcher advises the need to address this issue from all its aspects, as it relates to the noble book from which all Islamic legal sciences emerge. The integrity of the text is, in fact, the integrity of what is branched from it.
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In-Text Citation: (Othman et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Othman, A. K. I., Abdelgelil, M. F. M., Hassan, A. F., & Aziz, N. S. A. (2021). The Impact of Receipt in The Prophetic Period on Preserving the Noble Qur’an From Distortion. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(9), 1238–1247.
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