The development of Qur'anic Tahfiz education centres has grown rapidly in the country due to the public demand and awareness of the importance of reciting the Quran. The government has welcomed the existence of a vocational Syariah Tahfizes (Tahfiz) in Malaysia for this Tahfiz institution moving towards the Industrial Revolution 4.0. This study explores the obstacles in establishing vocational skills in the Tahfiz curriculum among the Tahfiz centres in Malaysia. This study uses the qualitative approach. Interview sessions with study participants were conducted by bringing the researcher down to the field for data collection. The study's findings show that the biggest challenges in establishing vocational skills in Tahfiz educational centres are mainly due to financial problems and lack of coordination for standard curriculum. The results of the interviews show that three other challenges were encountered, including the lack of skilled teachers, students’ attitude and community perception. At the same time, the most dominant challenge facing culinary courses is financial problems. In addition, curriculum alignment is also seen as a difficult task for the Tahfiz administrators to reach a systematic standard. Studies on the challenges of establishing the skills in vocational will help transform the Tahfiz educational institutions in Malaysia in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Norsalim et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Norsalim, P. M. N., Akbarruddin, M. N. A., Basir, N. S. A., Muda, W. H. N. W., & Jeinie, M. H. (2021). Challenges in Establishing Vocational Skills in Tahfiz Curriculum at Malaysian Tahfiz Centre. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(16), 53–62.
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