ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The pandemic has changed the way people work. In the midst of excitement of working from home emerged the issue of work burnout. Work burnout is a phenomenon associated with people and their career development. Work burnout is an important risk factor for excessive stress in individual professional lives. The present study aims to explore Alderfer's Work Motivation Theory to understand work burnout. This study explores how ERG (Existence, Relatedness and Growth) Motivation influences the factors of personal, colleague and work-related burnout. Feeling of deprivation in the working environment leads to burnout. Therefore, this research aims on personal, colleague and work-related burnout. The data conducted through a total of 100 respondents from a public university in Malaysia. The data collection using quantitative methods was performed through questionnaires and SPSS was used to summarize the demographic information and descriptive analysis. The questionnaire consists of 4 sections, a) demographic profile, b) personal burnout, c) work related burnout and d) colleague related burnout with a total of 23 items. The findings shed light on the role of work motivation in transmitting the impact of work burnout. The major contribution of the study is to understand that work motivation is indeed affecting work burnout. The study presented has profound implications for future studies of work motivation and it is hoped this study will provide valuable evidence on how to focus on personal, colleague and work-related burnout for continuous improvement.
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In-Text Citation: (Thangal et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Thangal, T. B. T., Shafie, N. I., Yunos, N. M., Hamid, M. H. A., Sidik, N., & Azman, H. A. (2021). Investigating Alderfer’s Work Motivation Theory to Explore Work Burnout. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 401 – 417.
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