ISSN: 2222-6990
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This article examines the method of hadith collection based on the technical aspects of data collection, especially sahih hadith. The method of collecting hadith that is thorough and has its own collecting method is suitable to be utilized in situations where the conditions of the authenticity of hadith are very strict according to the scholars of hadith. This method has been recognized by Islamic scholars for determining the quality of a hadith to be accepted in argumentative exchange. One of the outstanding technical aspects of this method is the determination of the respondent or informant. Determination of respondents or informants here means the method of selecting a section of the population for the purpose of making inferences or conclusions about the entire population. This prompted this article to be written primarily to look at the technical aspects of determining respondents based on hadith collection methods to be absorbed into the discipline of Islamic-based research methods. The question is how to determine the respondents according to the collection of hadith? Is the method of determining respondents from this method of collecting hadith suitable to be applied in current research? This article first examines the technical aspects of determining respondents in hadith collection methods. Second, to analyze the application of respondent determination of hadith collection method in current research methods. The writing of this article only involved document review and qualitative content analysis was conducted to analyze the data obtained. The results of the analysis found that the five conditions of authentic hadith are very relevant and suitable to be used as a method of determining respondents or informants in conducting research.
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In-Text Citation: (Hassan, 2021)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, S. A. (2021). Determination of Respondents in the Method of Hadith Collection Based on Selected Practice of Imam Bukhari. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 597 – 606.
Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s)
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