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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring Openness and Connectedness During Online Learning

Nor Suziwana Tahir, Yarina Ahmad, Siti Nur Fathanah Abdul Hamid, Nor Ezatie Mukminah Muhammad Zamri, Abdul Razak Arsat, Noor Hanim Rahmat

Open access

Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for open and distance learning (ODL). Past studies investigate the perception of ODL based on learner-to-learner engagement, leaner-to-instructor engagement and learner-to-content engagement. Nevertheless, lack of study conducted to explore ways to boost students’ motivation during ODL. This study is necessary to investigate strategies to boost students’ motivation during ODL. By exploring the openness and connectedness of the students during ODL, it gives significant information to the instructors and learners. The findings of this study assist the instructors in developing meaningful learning content, establish high engagement with the learner and learners will discover that a good relationship with their peers makes them more motivated during ODL. . To answer the research questions, quantitative method was employed. Instrument is developed from the past literatures to find out how openness and connectedness is displayed during ODL65 undergraduate and postgraduate students responded to online close-ended questionnaire. Findings demonstrate that students perceived that high level of openness during ODL is demonstrated by learner-to-learner engagement and leaner-to-instructor engagement. Meanwhile, connectedness is displayed in ODL through learner-to-content engagement. Also, the students put learner-to-learner engagement as top factor to enrich openness during ODL and eventually boost their motivation. By referring to the findings, it is suggested that future research investigate more efforts and initiatives to establish and sustain openness and connectedness in online learning. The globalization process has made Internet as an essential medium to almost all aspects including professional and personal networks to provide information sources, news and learning materials

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In-Text Citation: (Tahir et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Tahir, N. S., Ahmad, Y., Hamid, S. N. F. A., Zamri, N. E. M. M., Arsat, A. R., & Rahmat, N. H. (2021). Exploring Openness and Connectedness During Online Learning. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(11), 2395-2409.