ISSN: 2222-6990
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Under Malaysian National Land Code 1965 (NLC), co-proprietorship of land connotes that each of the co-proprietors shall be entitled to the possession and enjoyment of the land according to his share. Nevertheless, there is a common practice in Malaysia, that the land is partitioned into several parts based on informal agreement among co-proprietors so that every one of them can enjoy a designated part of the land exclusively. This practice seems to be not in line with the law and has caused some negative consequences especially in the case where the land is acquired by the government and the compensation is paid to all proprietors according to their registered portions of share in disregard of the agreement. This has caused the dissatisfaction of the proprietors whose designated land has been acquired but the compensation was paid to all co-proprietors whose parts of land remained intact. Therefore, it is important to carry out a study to look into this problem in light of the provisions in the Malaysian National Land Code and the practice of land administrative bodies and to propose some practical solutions to the issue. In order to conduct this study, relevant data is taken from the library research and empirical examination. The collected data then is analyzed using inductive, deductive as well as comparative methods of analysis. The study shows that the dissatisfaction of the co-proprietors is reasonable. However, the payment of compensation by land administrators to all co-proprietors is also according to the law. Accordingly, it is suggested that law provisions relating to co-proprietorship be amended taking into account the interest of all parties especially the co-proprietors who are exclusively affected by the acquisition. It is hoped that would be able to solve some of the existing problems and to prevent the problems from recurring in the future.
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In-Text Citation: (Taha et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Taha, M. M. bin, Awang, M. B. bin, Sulong, J. bin, Ayub, M. N., & Zahid, E. S. M. (2022). Compensation Distribution for the Acquisition of Land Owned by Many Proprietors in Malaysia: Addressing the Related Grievance from the Perspective of Siyasah Syar’iyyah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(9), 1107 – 1118.
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