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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Overview of Methodology for Developing Expert System Based on Expert View for Quality of Urban Bus Services in Peninsular Malaysia

Shuhairy Norhisham, Muhammad Fadhlullah Abu Bakar, Nor Najwa Irina Mohd Azlan, Siti Nor Dania Ilyane Yasir Apandi, Nor Hazwani Nor Khalid

Open access

Every country in the world have faced a tremendous growth of development over the last decade. The number migrants from rural area to urban area has led to the increasing the traffic volume in urban and cities area. The public transport provided in Malaysia are public buses, taxis, train, Light Rail Transit and so on. Public transport has a very important role towards urban development and at the same time provides convenient transportation to passengers in economic terms. The objective of this study is to review suitable method to development of expert system view for quality of urban bus services in Peninsular Malaysia. The Expert System's knowledge base is the most significant component, as it is selecting rule from the knowledge base and then performs the actions of that rule. After that, the inference engine chooses another rule to execute. As for the framework of this research including task analysis, Data Collection, Development expert system, Refinement, Verification and Evaluation. The framework that on expert system development have been explained in this paper. There are five important attributes for evaluating bus services which are bus frequency, passenger load, Hours of service, on time performance and comparison of travel time of buses and private vehicles. These features were selected based on a as stakeholder questionnaires that conducted by previous research. According to TCQSM, these five attributes are also labelled in the five grades of service quality which are grade A to E. There is total 25 questions which is each attribute consists 5 questions each. A complete procedure on the fundamental understanding of the basic notions of the phases of Expert System creation with respect to its methodology and stages of development has been attempted.

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In-Text Citation: (Norhisham et al., 2021)
To Cite this Article: Norhisham, S., Bakar, M. F. A., Azlan, N. N. I. M., Apandi, S. N. D. I. Y., & Khalid, N. H. N. (2021). Overview of Methodology for Developing Expert System Based on Expert View for Quality of Urban Bus Services in Peninsular Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(12), 910–918.