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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Exploring The Critical Factors to Prevent Recurrent Pregnancy among Unwed Teenagers From Their Caregivers' Perspective

Nur Shafiqah Noor Ashani, Nor Firdous Mohamed, Yuhanis Mohamed

Open access

This study explored the critical factors preventing recurrent pregnancy among unwed teenagers and the importance of sexual education among pregnant teenagers from their caregivers' perspective. This study involved qualitative research in which 20 caregivers from the Malaysian Government Female Protection Centre (TSP) were recruited through the purposive sampling method and interviewed using semi-structured questions. The experience of caregivers taking care of unwed teenagers in the protection centre has indicated the three themes with eight sub-themes related to critical factors to prevent recurrent pregnancy among unwed teenagers, which are (a) Empowerment – education facilities, involvement of the community, and review of policy (b) Social support – family roles, caregivers' support, and community support and (c) Sexual education - that focus on the awareness on sexual education and dissemination of sexual education information. The implication of this study is to provide insights for related agencies in developing new strategies and revising existing policies in reducing the number of pregnant teenagers cases in Malaysia. It can also help them develop a comprehensive sexual education module as a guideline for caregivers in providing education and training to the teenagers in the protection centre by focusing on the three significant factors found in this study.

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In-Text Citation: (Ashani et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ashani, N. S. N., Mohamed, N. F., & Mohamed, Y. (2022). Exploring The Critical Factors to Prevent Recurrent Pregnancy among Unwed Teenagers From Their Caregivers’ Perspective. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 753 – 771.