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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Building Supply Chain Resilience Capabilities during Pandemic Disruption

Jun Tian, Thoo Ai Chin, Yang Kaihan

Open access

Supply chain resilience is used to mitigate and deal with the unexpected disruptions of supply chains in the past decades. The sudden catastrophes such as epidemic of Coronavirus disease has led to the lockdowns globally and caused harsh economic consequences. The immediate global supply chain disruption has initiated a sharp plunge in all business activities, demand, and production interruption. This unstable, challenging, and vulnerable market environment highlights the necessity of investigating the supply chain resilience (SCRes) which has regained academicians’ and practitioners’ attention from various industries recently. This study aims to find the limitations and new developments in conceptualizing SCRes in the discipline of supply chain risk management. Hence, a total of 597 articles in the theme of SCRes are collected and adopted the content analysis to screen in this study.87 papers are final investigated via refining the research of SCRes to each stage according to the pre/in/after the disruption. In this perspective, different phases were included to value and replenish the notable limitations in conceptualizing SCRes, which emphasizes the significance of the stage of “Growth” and the “dynamic” perspective (not only return to the original level after the disruption but also develop into a novel, more desirable condition). The outcomes of the review indicate that SCRes is a significant dynamic capability for supply chains to prepare, adjust, response, recover and grow (which has ignored by many scholars) before or after the unexpected interruption including the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

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In-Text Citation: (Jun et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Jun, T., Chin, T. A., & Kaihan, Y. (2022). Building Supply Chain Resilience Capabilities during Pandemic Disruption. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(3), 233–249.