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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Perception and Public Participation: The Government Implementation of Independent Learning Program in Indonesia

Sri Wahyuni, Erna Handayani, Wanda Nugroho Yanuarto

Open access

The perception and public participation are increasingly regarded as crucial for understanding the relevance of the Independent Learning Program (ILP). Involvement in the ILP program is related to the perception of acceptability of the program, and it is crucial to evaluate how much the perception of the general public interested in ILP has influenced their willingness to Public Participation. Consequently, the relationship between perception and public Participation was investigated in this research. It was decided to employ the quantitative survey approach in this research, a cross-sectional study that was explained by the use of the structural equation model to obtain the most accurate results. The participants in this study were 593 respondents consisting of students, parents, stakeholders, and lecturers who served as the sample. The conclusions of this study were based on an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with three components for perception and four factors for public Participation. Construct a structural model of perception and public Participation that has a moderate association (?= 0.391) between them, on the other hand. As a result, the relationship study was carried out to provide public Participation with a better understanding of the topic in the ILP, technology, beliefs, and other elements that can impact the ILP. This represents a significant step forward in the ongoing attempt to provide a high-quality education system.