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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Role of Procurement Practices on the Performance of Corporate Organizations in Kenya: A Case Study of Kenya National Police Service

Makabira D.K. , Dr. Ester Waiganjo

Open access

Procurement is an important and expensive business activity for organizations. This is because organizations usually spend a large portion (even up to 70%) of their revenue and operational budget on purchasing goods and services. Procurement is generally the process of acquiring goods and services as well as hiring contractors and consultants to carry out works and services (Hornby, 2005). The main objective of this study was to establish the role of procurement practices on performance of Kenya National Police Service in Makueni County. Specific objectives of the study was to establish the role of procurement planning on the performance of Kenya National Police Service; to determine the role of procurement controls on the performance of Kenya National Police Service; to establish the role of procurement monitoring on the performance of Kenya National Police Service and lastly to examine the role of staff training in procurement practices on the performance of Kenya National Police Service. The study adopted Descriptive Research Design. The target population was the 120 procurement personnel in Kenya National Police Service in Makueni County. Stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques was employed in the selection of 48 respondents. The study revealed that procurement planning, controls, monitoring and staff training in procurement practices have a great role in the performance of Kenya National Police Service. This study recommended that the existing procurement practices be reviewed and implement all suggestions on improving organizational performance. Further research was recommended to cover other procurement management practices and on a wider population of state corporations in Kenya.