ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
This paper discusses the mediating effect of work motivation on the influence of work from home (WFH) and job performance during Covid-19 among academicians in public universities in Kelantan. COVID-19 is a global issue, forcing governments around the world to take action to stop the spread of the deadly virus. Most companies have followed government regulations to work from home. However, the effect of WFH on the job performance of employees remains debatable. The WFH discussion is always related to electronic communication. The main shortcoming of electronic communication is its information richness level, defined as the extent to which a medium of communication can create heterogeneity of information content between different frames of reference. Working from home also creates a feeling of isolation among employees, caused by less interaction among employees and their co-workers, supervisors, and manager. There is little research on this topic from a Malaysian perspective, especially from the perspective of academicians in Kelantan. Hence, this study aims to assess the effect of working from home on job performance and how it affects academicians’ performance by using work motivation as mediating variable. A correlational study is selected for this research. The total population of academicians at five (5) Public Institutions of Higher Education (PIHE) in Kelantan is 2059. 322 academicians will be selected as a sample size using stratified sampling as the sampling technique. The researchers will use the non-experimental research and the instrument is a set of established questionnaires from previous studies. The collected data will be analyzed using SPSS version 20. A new research model will be developed from this study which will contribute significantly to business practitioners’ knowledge, especially for the academicians in Malaysia who need to measure the effectiveness of their WFH policy during the pandemic. It can also serve as a fundamental input for governments and companies to decide whether to promote a WFH policy or seek other alternatives.
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In-Text Citation: (Thani et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Thani, A. K. A., Min, N. M. F. N., Sakarji, S. R., & Ishak, M. A. H. (2022). The Influence of Working from Home on Job Performance among Academicians in Kelantan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(4), 16–33.
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