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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Strategies for Acquiring and Mastering Scientific Research Skills Applied Study on UNISHAMS’ Master’s and Doctoral Students

Mohamed Ibrahim Hassan Othman, Abdelrahman Moawad Ali Tahawi, Abdel Sattar Abd Elwahab Ayoub Othman, Ragab Aboumelih Mohamed Soliman Kadir

Open access

The research deals with the problem of many common errors in plans presented in Arabic for masters and doctorate at UNISHAMS. The research deals with several elements, including: clarifying the importance of scientific research for the individual and society, and identifying common mistakes in writing plans presented in Arabic for masters and doctoral degrees at UNISHAMS, explaining the methods of treating these errors, and explaining the skills of the researcher so that he can produce the new useful for the Malaysian society. The research came out with several results, including: scientific research is the great importance in serving society, and in eliminating negative phenomena in it. The reason for the weakness of the plans presented by students at the master’s and doctoral levels is the lack of complete knowledge of the goals and objectives of scientific research, and insufficient knowledge of the basics of scientific research. The research explained the reasons for this and its treatment, and the researcher behind knowledge should be characterized by several characteristics and be able to several skills, including: to be accurate in collecting evidence and observations, and to be characterized by reflection, analysis and the ability to communicate with others. One of the research topics useful to society is the application of a theory or rule that did not take its luck from the practical side, especially the modern contemporary applications. This is clear in the doctrinal field of financial transactions and the like. In the new linguistic theories as well, and other linguistic theories, including monitoring a societal problem, knowing its causes and manifestations, and then finding possible solutions to it.

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In-Text Citation: (Othman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Othman, M. I. H., Tahawi, A. M. A., Othman, A. S. A. E. A., & Kadir, R. A. M. S. (2022). Strategies for Acquiring and Mastering Scientific Research Skills Applied Study on UNISHAMS’ Master’s and Doctoral Students. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(2), 229–243.