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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Employee Perception towards Signing Performance Contract in Public Universities in Kenya

Dr.Emily J Bomett, Prof.Jonah N.Kindiki, Prof Jackson K.Too

Open access

The purpose of the study was to investigate employee perception towards signing performance contract in public universities, a case of Moi University. The objectives of the study were to; find out staff perception on the clarity of the Performance Contract(P.C) by the Government; assess staff personal views on signing of P.C and to investigate staff perception on their involvement in the setting of the performance contract. The study adopted a mixed method research design. The target population was 761 academic staff and 994 non academic staff. Purposive sampling was used to select 19 staff of high cadre. Proportionate stratified sampling was used to get a total of 170 academic staff and118 non academic staff who participated in this study. Data was collected using structured and unstructured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics whereby frequencies and percentages were calculated on the perception of respondents on performance contract policy. Qualitative data analysis was also done. The study found out, among other findings that staffs have positive perception towards performance contract initiative since they don’t mind signing performance contract as long as they are informed on what the policy is all about. It was also established staff needs to be involved in the setting of meaningful and clear targets at the beginning of the contract period. The study made the following recommendations, first there should be a discussion between the government and the university management on the goals set in a contract period before signing of performance contract, and that the government to provide funds in time for accomplishing these goals. Furthermore,the Kenyan Government through university management to design ways of training staff to acquire knowledge about performance contract initiative. Moreover, staff should be involved in setting targets at the beginning of the contract period. It is hoped that the findings of this study will form a basis for formulation of policies and strategies on effective implementation of performance contract initiative in all public universities and other institutions who have not signed performance contract.