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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Financial Resources on ICT Performance in Inventory Management by Freight Forwarders in Nairobi, Kenya: A Case Study of Acceler Global Logistics

Joyce Florence Wanjiku Muturi , Prof. Gregory S. Namusonge

Open access

The research sought to determine financial resources on information communication and technology performance in inventory management by freight forwarders in Nairobi, Kenya.
A descriptive survey design was adopted. A sample of 80 employees was used in the study. Stratified sampling was used in selecting the respondents from the various strata, upon which the respondent were selected randomly from each strata. The use of financial resources entailed investing in purchasing of the required software, investing in the required personnel, investing in training of the required personnel and other financial needs. Concerning the extent to which the organization invested on IT to streamline inventory management, majority (27, 48.2%) respondents disagreed that indeed the organization had invested in IT. The findings indicated that the organization had not invested very little on IT to streamline inventory management. The study recommended that more investment in special information systems should be made.