ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The present study explores the relationship between human element of service delivery and customer satisfaction in private institutes of higher education. Human element of service delivery is important for higher education institutions in Malaysia as they themselves are preparing to become exporters of premier educational services. The data were collected by the method of the survey. Survey questionnaires were delivered by hand the respondents who volunteered to be participants in this study. Respondents were given information sheets, along with verbal and written instructions. They were to complete the questionnaires and return to a mailbox on campus. A total of 331 representative samples were obtained from private institutions of higher education, using the private institutions of higher education directory as a sampling frame, after leaving the number of private institutions of higher education, which had ceased their operations. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential analysis. The statistical analyzes used, were the Pearson correlation and multiple regression. Descriptive statistics were employed. The results revealed that the human element of service delivery has a relationship with the customer satisfaction. Using multiple regression analysis, the predictor variable indicated that the variables can explain 44.9% of variation that occurred in customer satisfaction. Whereas, the relationship between the predictor variables and customer satisfaction, there was a 13.7% variation explained. Human element of service delivery has significant and positive relationship with customer satisfaction. Therefore, this variable deserves to be monitored and appropriate adjustments in order to improve organizational performance through customer satisfaction. In conclusion, this study provides an overview greater understanding on how to improve organizational performance through the implementation of excellent human element of management practices of service delivery and, at the same time, it gives due emphasis to customer satisfaction.
Copyright: © 2018 The Author(s)
Published by Human Resource Management Academic Research Society (
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