ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Edutainment is a combination of video games, television shows, or other content that is both informative and entertaining. Learning English language using edutainment concept is essential in current situation. Since the market for higher tourism education in English (HTEE) is highly competitive and increasingly global, introducing an English-language programme exposes a school to increased competition as a cost of attracting a larger audience. By doing this approach it hoped to improve and attract learners’ attention in learning language. This paper is to examine the edutainment in the application of a language board game to foster students' interest in English language learning in the classroom. The board game assisted the students in overcoming their fears of learning English. It was found that when they participated in the board game, they were less aware of using English because they were absorbed in the games and having fun. Researchers would like to recommend that by exploring this edutainment concept, it has grown in popularity the opportunity to verify the educational validity of what happens in a typical classroom. To conclude, edutainment concept not only can make the students have fun, but also can contribute to their English language learning interest.
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In-Text Citation: (Zain et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Zain, Z. M., Ismail, N., Samad, K. A., Jani, S. H. M., & Hami, S. S. A. (2022). Applying Edutainment Concept among Tourism Management Students in Learning English Language. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(2), 266–275.
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