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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Job Satisfaction and Individual Happiness among Employees: An Emperical Evidence at Public Higher Education Institution

Siti Rosnita Sakarji, Ayu Kamareenna Abdullah Thani, Nik Mohd Faris Nik Min, Muhammad Ammar Haidar Ishak

Open access

Employees are an organization's most asset. It will help not only the employees, but also the organizations, if they are satisfied with their workplace and the work itself. Employee happiness is also influenced by their understanding of the company's future. As a result, the purpose of this study is to investigate the link between job satisfaction and five variables: income, coworker, management, type of work, and advancement, all of which contribute to individual happiness. Using simple random selection, data was obtained from 126 respondents at Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTEM), a public higher education institution in Malaysia. The data was then extracted using SPSS Version 22.0. According to the data, there is a favorable link between compensation, coworker, management, job type, and advancement. According to the findings, the nature of work and advancement are the most important variables influencing employee happiness, which leads to job satisfaction. Furthermore, the hypothesis test results indicated a strong link between income, coworker, management, kind of job, and promotion. These data may be used to influence policy implementation by human resources or other organizational management in a higher education institution. They might, for example, utilize job happiness (mental well-being) as a predictor of employee actions and then develop recruiting strategies to help sustain employee happiness and satisfaction, therefore assisting in employee retention.

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In-Text Citation: (Sakarj et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Sakarj, S. R., Thani, A. K. A., Min, N. M. F. b. N., & Ishak, M. A. H. B. (2022). Job Satisfaction and Individual Happiness among Employees: An Emperical Evidence at Public Higher Education Institution. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 1437 – 1449.