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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

English Language Writing Anxiety among Diploma Engineering Students in Uitm

Nurul Hijah Jasman, Aminabibi Saidalvi, D. Rohayu Mohd Yunos

Open access

Over the past decades, researchers are becoming increasingly interested in the writing skills of second language (L2) learners. Although writing has been recognised as a complex skill, it is a crucial skill that (L1) and (L2) learners must master due to its widespread use in academic studies. Numerous scholars (Jennifer and Ponniah,2017; Altukruni,2019) believe that the writing process is influenced by cognitive, cultural, and social aspects, making it a difficult endeavour. All of this may cause the students to feel a great deal of concern and anxiety. In Malaysia, many studies were conducted in order to investigate anxiety in L2 classrooms, with the majority of them focusing on speaking skill (Sim, 2020; Kamal, 2020; Nurul Fatinah, 2020). There are also studies on writing anxiety in first and second language but more detailed investigation and in-depth research on this needs to be done so both instructors and learners will be more aware of the perturbing issues involving writing anxiety in L2 classroom. Due to the complexity and multidimensional phenomenon of writing anxiety, a sequential explanatory mixed-method approach will be used in this investigation (Creswell, 1998). The outcomes from this research project are expected to assist L2 educators better understand how to teach writing. Next, it may aid the researcher in developing a mediated learning environment in the classroom, allowing learners to feel more at comfortable in approximating basic knowledge to create good essays and become less worried while writing essays autonomously.

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In-Text Citation: (Jasman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Jasman, N. H., Saidalvi, A., & Yunos, D. R. M. (2022). English Language Writing Anxiety among Diploma Engineering Students in Uitm. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(7), 502 – 527.