ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study discusses the motivation of students when studying at home. This situation is due to the learning sessions taking place virtually at home. It is different when students follow the learning session with the lecturer face to face. Formerly, the objective of this study is also to try to see how to do beliefs, expectations, behavior, and results in influence learners’ motivation to learn. This study is a quantitative study in which a questionnaire will be distributed to respondents. A total of 550 respondents were involved in this study. Through the questionnaire, there are three main sections along with questions related to the study conducted. In general, the results of the study found that the process of student excellence starts from the motivation of a lecturer to his students, in addition to self -confidence with independence in understanding each lesson also makes a person more resilient and resilient. This situation will make the student more mature and make the student more excellent in the future. Thus, the impact of this study is that the researcher will know how to ensure that the student is always motivated and will ensure that the student is always enthusiastic in seeking knowledge after each student's needs are known through such studies.
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In-Text Citation: (Isamail et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Isamail, M. Z., Rahim, S. A., Othman, N., Daud, N. M., & Yamin, A. Bin. (2022). Exploring Learners’ Motivation Through The Pygmalion Effect. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 973 – 988.
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