ISSN: 2222-6990
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Several studies have been conducted to investigate the person-environment (P-E) fit influence on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Nevertheless, the results show that the significant correlation is not favorable. In this vein, this research chose to offer work involvement as a moderator to obviously demonstrate the effect of person-supervisor (P-S) fit as well as OCB. Work involvement is expected to have an impact on the function of P-S fit in this study. Work involvement acts as a moderator in conceiving P-S fit and OCB interactions.Here, 376 questionnaires were disseminated, and 371 were reverted, yielding a 98.67% response rate. Quota sampling was utilised in this study because the quota set for each subgroup is determined by the total number of members in the population. It should be noted that the sampling technique includes categorising the samples into separate strata or groupings, such as agencies or departments. The Royal Malaysian Police, the Registration Department, and the Immigration Department all provided samples. For this analysis, SPSS was employed. According to the study's finding, work involvement modifies the relationship between P-S fit as well as OCB. Several areas for improvement should be examined in future research. For starters, this study may be conducted with a bigger sample size, recruiting respondents from different public institutions or ministries around Malaysia. Respondents can also be recruited from various management levels and professional groups. This is done to ensure that the research's findings may be applicable to various personnel groupings. Second, the survey instrument used to assess employees' performance or OCB level may incorporate questions from multiple sources, eliminating errors or bias. Furthermore, when assessing the OCB level among employees in future studies, the supervisory-rating assessment should be applied. This is because self-rating can make employees unable to accurately analyse themselves. As a result, when employees react, it may add to self-bias.
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In-Text Citation: (Thani et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Thani, A. K. A., Hashim, M. Z., Mansor, F. A., Muhammad, N., Shamsuddin, N., & Amran, A. (2022). Work Involvement as A Moderating Effect in Relationship between Person-Supervisor Fit and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Public Sector. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(4), 289–301.
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