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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Abolishing the Sponsorship System (Kafala) on the Peaceful Co-existence of Population Groups in Qatar in light of the Migration Goals of the Alliance of Civilizations

Hind Mohammed Al Hammadi, Kawthar Abdallah Bayouomi, Arieff Salleh Bin Rosman

Open access

Qatar is one of the most attractive countries for immigrant labour. The sponsorship system (Kafala) was introduced in the 1960s, regulating expatriate employees' affairs. In recent years, many requests for the abolition of the sponsorship System (Kafala) in line with reform calls for achieving more peaceful co-existence as a lofty goal of the Alliance of Civilizations. Qatar implemented the abolition of the sponsorship system (Kafala) in 2018. This study aims to identify the impact of the abolition of the sponsorship system from the employee and the employer perspective, based on the descriptive-analytical and comparative approach and using a survey as a research instrument. The data were collected from 604 expatriate employees and 64 employers. The study's findings revealed that the abolition of the sponsorship system (Kafala) generally satisfied expatriate labours while local employers were less satisfied. This study recommends that the presence of a sponsor (Kafeel) should be optional for expatriate employees.

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In-Text Citation: (Hammadi et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hammadi, H. M. Al, Bayouomi, K. A., & Rosman, A. S. Bin. (2022). The Impact of Abolishing the Sponsorship System (Kafala) on the Peaceful Co-existence of Population Groups in Qatar in light of the Migration Goals of the Alliance of Civilizations. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(4), 388–408.