ISSN: 2222-6990
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In order to translate individual knowledge into organisational knowledge, organisations use organisational learning (OL). In the absence of clear prescriptions, organisations have difficulty putting practical ideas into practise. Adaptability, acceptance of change, and performance in terms of operations are critical to the existence of any organisation, but this is especially true for profit-oriented organisations. An existing literature review on organisational learning and learning organisations was conducted to answer the following question in this conceptual paper: For starters, how can you tell if a company is learning when you see it? Second, how do organisational learning and learning organisations vary conceptually? What are the barriers that prevent an organisation from becoming a learning organisation? Fourth, how can being a learning organisation benefit company? The study also looks at for instances of learning organisations, such as those in Malaysia and the United States, to bolster its findings. Since organisational innovativeness is directly linked to long-term organisational performance, this article backs up the claim that organisational learning culture has an impact on it. As a result, all organisations should make an effort to transform into organisations that value learning.
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In-Text Citation: (Hafit et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hafit, N. I. A., Anis, A., Johan, Z. J., Othman, N. A., & Munir, Z. (2022). Examining the Role of Organisational Learning Theory and Learning Organisations in the Era of Digitalization: A Literature Review. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 740 – 752.
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