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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Theory and Application of Sadd al-Dhara’i‘ (Blocking the Means) in Curbing Crime in Malaysia

Wan Zulkifli Wan Hassan, Laizatulnorhasikin Mohd Adom

Open access

The issues of crime have never been foreign in headlines, not only the ones involving the lives of the victims but also those not involving any fatality at all. This can become socially, economically and politically detrimental to the peace and harmony of the society and the country. However, does it occur to Malaysians that the Malaysian government through several government agencies have its own initiatives in curbing all forms of crime that can become detrimental to the society? This issue has to be resolved through some mechanisms laid out and enforced by the government as an effort to preserve the peace and stability in the society. Thus, the preventive steps be it at the federal level or state level play a highly significant role to ensure that healthy lifestyle can be fully realised. A wholesome study on the existing crime prevention steps must be given proper attention to ensure that the aim of the practice is fulfilled. The steps will not be issued mindlessly, or without aim and necessity. This is at par with the syara’ law known as “Sadd al-Dharai” through its resource. In this article, the writer only looks into the extent of which the concept of Sadd al-Dharai is applied and considered in determining any step of prevention of crime issued by the Malaysian authorities in crime issues. It is found that all the steps taken have taken into account the application of sadd al-dharai at the expense of preserving lives, minds, dignity and assets of every member of the society in Malaysia.

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In-Text Citation: (Hassan & Adom, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Hassan, W. Z. W., & Adom, L. M. (2022). Theory and Application of Sadd al-Dhara’i‘ (Blocking the Means) in Curbing Crime in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(4), 489–503.