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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Review of Data Mining Concept and its Techniques

Ashour A N Mostafa, Hamdi Elmburok Abdulghani Mahmoud

Open access

Nowadays, some of the intersting roles of human life are data, information, and knowledge. Analyzing and modelling of big data have been required by data massive storehouses together with the rapid technologies growth to predict and analyze the future trends of information. Methodologies and techniques, which are employed into diverse information systems scope, are needed for detection of knowing in the databases. The technology which extracts advantageous information to discover knowledge is called Data Mining. Data mining, it has been defined as discovery of knowledge in data (KDD), it is the disclosure of modalities procedures and other valuable information from considerable sets of data. It has been a tremendous progress in machine learning, artificial agent systems, and decision-making in the expert systems. In the last decades, most of the techniques and applications has been surveyed via the researchers. Those techniques and applications are utilized in distinct areas in daily life like industrialization, education, engineering, commerce and business. Searching last years researches about the review of the most techniques and trends of data mining in multiple areas was the method which is followed in this paper. It has discovered in the learning field as diffusing data mining for educating activities, improvement quality of tasks into manufacturing field, text mining as a technique into research databases and so on. This study collectes a summary of information about the basci concept of Data Mining and its technques which other researchers may need to start their studies in Data Mining field.

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In-Text Citation: (Mostafa & Mahmoud, 2022)
To Cite this Article: Mostafa, A. A. N., & Mahmoud, H. E. A. (2022). Review of Data Mining Concept and its Techniques. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 611 – 619.