ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The wellbeing of millennials working remotely is gaining more attention from researchers and scholars due to the greater number of them forming the workforce. This study explored the impact of working remotely on Malaysian millennials' wellbeing (EWB) and the perceived expectations of millennials towards achieving better EWB in Malaysia. Based on the beliefs and assumptions of the researcher, the appropriate philosophy was interpretivism. In this exploratory study, an inductive approach was more appropriate. In this basic qualitative study, in-depth semi-structured interviews were utilized to gather information from nine millennials currently working remotely in Malaysia. The data collected was transcribed, and thematic analysis was done manually to do coding and identification of themes. The first question was to explore the antecedents of EWE experienced by millennials. The themes that emerged encompass workplace transparency, health and wellness programs, outcome-oriented culture, transformational leadership, and workplace relationship. The second research question was to explore the barriers that obstruct EWB. The barriers originating from this study include role conflict, remote working, lack of career advancement, work overload, and workplace conflict. The third research question was to explore the perceived expectations of millennials towards achieving better EWB. The themes include personalized career development plans, fair reward systems, hybrid working arrangements, and team harmony. The themes that emerged from this study could be used to develop a wide-scale survey of employees working remotely. The finding in this study has delivered an in-depth understanding of the context of the current millennial working experience and perception regarding EWB in Malaysia. Several themes identified in this study can be used to improve the effectiveness of millennials working remotely.
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In-Text Citation: (Zhao et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Zhao, T. Y., Singh, J. S. K., & Hussain, I. A. (2022). Wellbeing of Millennials Working Remotely in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 444 – 464.
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