ISSN: 2222-6990
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The “cancel culture” (the cancellation of the past culture) is a movement created recently, specifically in the West (in particular in the United States) that has had (and still is having) a direct negative impact on Italian culture and language. The term "movement" (and not phenomenon) is used because it is not something born spontaneously and felt by the ordinary people, but, on the contrary, conceived and implemented by a rich, powerful, cultural and financial elite and with the specific purpose of shaping and transforming culture, language and behaviour of the Italian people. This paper intends to analyse how, when, why and by whom this movement was started, elaborated and then brought in Italy and in Europe by force, with the purpose of changing Italian society (and the western Europeans too). This “cancel culture” was studied and elaborated by a Western financial elite for western European countries for political and economic purposes. Asian countries, until now, have remained (fortunately) immune to it. This research will study and prove not only the harmful consequences - direct and indirect - that this movement has produced in the society, culture, lifestyle, Italian language, and who enjoyed the benefits of this transformation, but also is intended to be a constructive contribution to let people be free and use their own critical thinking to decide whether to keep their culture and language unchanged (or change them, if deemed right and necessary) without having to be subjugated by minority groups that tend to undermine their thinking and freedom of choice.
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In-Text Citation: (Catarinella et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Catarinella, P., Abdul Malek, M. R., Ridzuan, M. U. M., & Kram, S. (2022). The So-called “Cancel Culture” Movement and its Direct Influence on Italian Culture and Language. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(5), 1296 – 1309.
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