ISSN: 2222-6990
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In order for language learners to communicate appropriately in a variety of social contexts and avoid misunderstandings or miscommunications, they must develop their sociolinguistic competence. The development of students’ sociolinguistic competence not only relies on their interaction with other language users, but also their interaction with materials and resources that include aspects of sociolinguistic competence. ESL instructors need to not only choose appropriate teaching resources for the development of students’ sociolinguistic competence, but also utilise them effectively in the language classroom. This study explores how ESL instructors utilise teaching resources for the development of students’ sociolinguistic competence in the language classroom. In-depth interviews and stimulated recalls were employed in gathering data from three chosen ESL instructors from one institution. The findings reveal that these ESL instructors used alternative teaching resources to manage the lack of available resources and considered students’ needs when utilising the teaching resources in the classroom. Based on the findings, it could be concluded that ESL instructors not only need to adapt and improvise their lessons to utilise teaching resources which are suitable for second language learners, but also cater to their students’ needs to motivate them for further development of their sociolinguistic competence outside the language classroom. ESL instructors can use the findings from this study as a guide for the development of their students’ sociolinguistic competence through the use of teaching resources, and further research could be done on this topic, specifically focusing on the development of teaching resources emphasising on sociolinguistic competence.
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In-Text Citation: (Abd Rahman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Abd Rahman, S. N., Razali, A. B., Samad, A. A., & Abdullah, N. S. (2022). Utilising Teaching Resources for the Development of Malaysian ESL Students’ Sociolinguistic Competence. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(5), 1383-1395.
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