ISSN: 2222-6990
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The paper argued that entrepreneurship education affects business startup performance, and personal-characteristics are growth-catalyst moderator. Cross-sectional survey research design was used and data collected from 406 graduate entrepreneurs at the National Youth Service Camp (NYSC) before registering with SAED-BOI (Bank of Industry), Lagos State 2021 NYSC 21A, and Stream 1 Batch. Total enumeration technique was applied after sample filtration criteria were established. Reliability and validation tests were conducted on the adopted and adapted questionnaire before it was administered. Hierarchical regression analysis results using SPSS add-on called process analysis identified personal characteristics significantly moderated the interactions between entrepreneurship education and business startup performance (?R2 = 0.0038, ?F(1, 387) = 4.5157, p < 0.05) in Lagos Nigeria. The paper concluded that since, white-collar jobs will always be limited while the number of graduates yearly will continue to increase, there is a need to strategically introduce, sustain, and encourage business startup programs through entrepreneurship education with the infusion of personal characteristics as a growth-catalyst. Thus business practitioners, universities and the Government centres should progressively enrich, and encourage business startup educational programs and align same to personal-specifics to drive startup performance.
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In-Text Citation: (Egwakhe et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Egwakhe, A. J., Abdullahi, A. O., Akande, F. I., & Umukoro, E. J. (2022). Entrepreneurship Education and Business Startup Performance: Are Personal Characteristics a Growth-Catalyst? International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 929 – 948.
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