ISSN: 2222-6990
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The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effect of emotional intelligence on the three dimensions of organizational commitment (Affective, Continues and Narrative), specifically this research proposed that organizational politics moderate the relationships between emotional intelligence and Affective, Continues and Narrative organizational commitment in the private Pharmaceutical companies in Pakistan. Quantitative and descriptive approach was used based on cross sectional research design. Data was collected from 193 employees of five pharmaceutical companies of Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan using a self-administered questionnaire. Preliminary analyses were performed to satisfy the assumptions, which allow us to analyze the data through SPSS Version 26 and Smart PLS Version 3. Present research found a positive and significant relationship between emotional intelligence and Affective and Narrative organizational commitment. While found negative relationship with Continues organizational commitment. In addition, the research also found that organizational politics moderate the relationship between emotional intelligence and Affective & Continues organizational commitment. While found no moderating effect on the relationship between emotional intelligence and Normative organizational commitment Present study recommends that Pharmaceutical companies’ management to facilitate employee’s development through training and knowledge sharing sessions to enhance emotion intelligence and create a political free atmosphere in their firms Thus, this result provides significant value and knowledge to the Pharmaceutical companies’ management to create free organizational politics environment that will increase organizational commitment, which will lead to higher productivity and will help to enhance Pakistan economy.
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In-Text Citation: (Ullah et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ullah, I., Singh, H., Shah, F. A., & Kakakhel, S. J. (2022). Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Organizational Commitment; Moderating role of Organizational Politics in Pakistan. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 386 – 406.
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