Invigilation of examination is one of the important elements in examination management systems. Satisfying the duties assigned to all invigilators is not easy and requires a thorough and tedious process of assigning the invigilation duties to each invigilator. Once the duties are appointed, the tendency to change the invigilation among invigilators are still possible. The Design Thinking (DT) methods, which comprises five (5) important phases, have been applied and the determination of users’ requirements among invigilators and stakeholders of the system was performed during the empathise phase in the Design Thinking. The users’ or functional requirements collected through the informal telephone conversation from the invigilators were scrutinised and arranged on the empathy map. The House of Quality (HOQ) model was constructed to show the strength of the relationship between the list of functional requirements and the users’ dreams. Based on the model of HOQ, a web-based named Examination Invigilation Systems (ExIMS) was developed to fulfil and consider the users’ requirements as proposed by the invigilators. The implementation of ExIMS has shown a positive impact among invigilators since it comprehensively facilitated the process of invigilation exchange among invigilators. Indirectly, it increased the satisfaction among invigilators and strengthened the integrity of examination procedures.
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In-Text Citation: (Othman et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Othman, J., Abdullah, S. S. S., Zahari, M. F., Hamat, M., Samsudin, N., Mazeni, N. A., & Rosly, W. N. S. W. M. (2022). Determining Users’ Requirements Through Design Thinking Methodology for Developing Examination Invigilation Management Systems (EXIMS). International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 224 – 238.
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