ISSN: 2222-6990
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The approach of Sufism and spirituality is the main basis in the Islamic tradition in solving the problems relating to soul purification, such as mujahadah al-nafs and ilaj al-nafs to the issues of soul through a specific path. Now, the Sufism approach gaining an attention as the superior Islamic knowledge in the treatment of mental problems especially in Islamic counseling’s discussions. The method of tasawwuf is also applied as an important method in Islamic counseling known as psychospiritual. This study aims to examine the approach of tasawwuf or spiritual approach by Muslim counselors in the state of Kedah during an application in counseling sessions. The methodology and design of the study was qualitative and a form of case study in which three respondents or experts were interviewed. This study forms several themes such as the approach of tasawwuf by counselors, the spiritual approach used in counseling and the approach of Islamic counseling by Muslim counselors. The analysis of the study also found that many applications of tasawwuf are used in Islamic perspective counseling sessions when conducting counseling sessions. This tasawwuf approach, spiritual approach and Islamic counseling approach also help counselors to point the way and guide clients to achieve the pleasure of Allah. These findings prove that the counseling approach used by Muslim counselors in the state of Kedah is geared towards the method of tasawwuf approach or through the method of Islamic counseling compared to conventional methods. The future researchers are ought to focus more on all finding an intervention modules of Islamic Perspective Counseling available throughout Malaysia.
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In-Text Citation: (Ali et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Ali, N. H. M., Kamaruddin, K., Arsad, S., & Abidin, L. Z. (2022). Tasawwuf Method Approach Among Muslim Counselors In Kedah. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 12(5), 326 – 345.
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