ISSN: 2222-6990
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The oppression of women in society is an ongoing issue in Malaysia. However, it proved difficult to reach a consensus on what should and can be done to address the issue. While the challenge of tackling the oppression of women seems very difficult, the level of awareness needs to be raised to ensure a better environment for a fairer life. Thus, this study aims to identify the factors related to the level of oppression tendency against women in the workplace and institutes of higher learning in the Klang Valley. A pilot survey was conducted using an online survey platform on IPT students and the working class in the Klang Valley from November to December 2021. There were 106 respondents with different backgrounds voluntarily involved in this pilot study. The results show that the respondents have a good level of understanding and level of awareness of the oppression of women. The findings of this pilot study play an essential role in providing an initial overview of the current understanding and awareness of the public on this issue. This study is recommended to be continued for large-scale research, so that the findings can be the primary source of reference in dealing with the oppression of women.
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In-Text Citation: (Singh et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Singh, S. L. K., Azmi, N. A., Zamri, N. I. H., Rosli, R. I. A., Hosni, R. M., Benyamin, N. A., Abdul Rahim, I. S., Jobb, N. N. A. R., Abdul Munir, N., Ashrey, M. A. F., Azhan, N. A. A., Abd Rahman, M. F., Sabri, M. K. Z. M., & Arham, A. F. (2022). Women’s Oppression: Pilot Study in Klang Valley, Malaysia . International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(6), 1375 – 1387.
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