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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Self-Efficacy and Optimism: The Experience of Coming Out as Malaysian Gay Males

Lim L. Gin, Kalaivanan Syasyila, Zhooriyati Sehu Mohamad

Open access

Background: Disclosing sexual orientation by homosexual individuals often accompanies discrimination that reduces their psychological well-being. Malaysian gay males have poor optimism because homosexuality is not widely recognized in Malaysia and is prohibited under legislation.
Purpose: This research aims to explore the Malaysian gay males’ self-efficacy and their state of optimism in coming out.
Methods: Due to the legal and social sanctions that exist in Malaysia, this study benefits from the qualitative research method. The concepts of transcendental phenomenology were chosen as the study’s theoretical foundation. A total of 22 Malaysian gay males who identify as homosexual males and have come out were recruited based on the inclusion criteria with purposive and snowball sampling techniques for a semi-structured in-depth interview.
Results: Findings show that Malaysian gay males’ self-efficacy in coming out is derived from normative social influence. The advocacy characteristics among them, in reality, serve as a center for effective altruism. Besides, the psychological resilience development of gay males influences their optimistic thinking about coming out. Although Malaysian gay males face discrimination from a toxic society, they remain optimistic and employ effective coping mechanisms.
Conclusion: With these research findings, intervention programs are developable for gay males who have a broken relationship with their parents due to their sexuality. There could be a revision of Malaysian law if the influencers or politicians acknowledge it above the well-executed protection by the non-government organizations (NGOs) to ascertain the rights of gay individuals.

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In-Text Citation: (Gin et al., 2022)
To Cite this Article: Gin, L. L., Syasyila, K., & Zhooriyati, S. M. (2022). Self-Efficacy and Optimism: The Experience of Coming Out as Malaysian Gay Males. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 12(5), 1516 – 1531.